We are moving in the right direction!

There have been a lot of developments in the way we as a society view gender identity. We think nothing of seeing a person display their preferred pronouns on their social media accounts, for example. We’re used to people wishing to be referred to as ‘they’ or ‘them’. Many of us are sensitive to the choices of others. But that doesn’t mean that everyone’s on board. In fact, statistics show that transgendered people face a higher risk of discrimination, prejudice and conflict in their working environments.

How do you take a proactive approach to make sure this isn’t happening in your business?

First, make sure your policies are all up to date and available to everyone. This includes equal opportunities and anti-harassment and bullying policies and should make clear that any discrimination will not be tolerated. If anyone is found guilty or accused of discrimination, harassment or bullying, act quickly to reinforce your stance on the matter and to reassure other employees.

Consider running a training course on gender identity, diversity and inclusion for all employees at all levels of your business, if this is not possible then consider and E-Learning course as an alternative. This will help everyone to improve their own understanding and enable more supportive, encouraging lines of communication.

Make sure that everyone in the business knows that they can speak to their manager at any time regarding any issues they may face or any concerns they may have. Good communication really can be the key to creating a much more open and understanding working environment, so don’t take this one lightly.

We would love to help you create a more inclusive business and a safer environment for employees with protected characteristics. Give us a call on 0333 200 5153 and see how we can help.