We often hear Company owners / employers ask:

“Do I need internal HR if a own a company and have employees?”

Answer: “No, even if you have a 50, 100, 200 employees”

A common misconception is that if you have a company and employees you need to have internal HR and that you should recruit a £30k+ HR professional with the additional overheads, annual leave, sick leave and statutory leave to contend with.

*An HR Consultant can be your HR department. A key person who can attend company premises or be on the end of the phone or email for any questions or issues that crop up.

*An HR Consultant can schedule regular catch ups and actively help to manage ongoing issues and “nip in the bud” any issues that are brewing.

*An HR Consultant can help shape strategy.

*An HR Consultant offers you guidance, confidence to challenge & importantly put process in place to help ensure there are no nasty surprises; protecting your business and minising your risk.

At The Absolute Works we have a team of HR specialists and a team of HR administrators who can help you with all the paperwork, checks and overall HR compliance.

We have worked with and been the complete HR function for companies with just a few employees to those with in excess of 600 employees with no internal HR.

Get in touch to discuss your requirements
0333 200 5153