Starting Out/ New Employee

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Starting Out / New Employee

  • Contracts
  • Handbooks & Policies
  • Payroll & Pension Auto Enrolment Eligibility & Other Checks [HL]
  • Onboarding & Inductions
  • Probation Reviews
  • Employment law advice

Contracts, Handbooks and Policies

Your business is growing and following on from the recruitment process you have just offered someone a job, how exciting! Now what?  Did you know that if you don’t have the correct contract in place for that employee by the time they start work, you and your business are breaking the law?

A contract of employment sets out the expectations of the employer/employee relationship from the start, it helps you manage your employees and demonstrates professional conduct from the outset.

Company Handbooks and Policies build on the Contract and set out the “rules of engagement”. Employees can use a Company Handbook as a point of reference to remind themselves of the rules or look up the rules they are unclear on.

No two businesses are the same which is why all of our HR packages include a bespoke Employment Contract, Company Handbook and key policy documents that are right for you and your business. We really get to know your business and make sure that your HR paperwork represents your company values whilst being legally compliant. We also make sure we keep you abreast of any changes in legislation and assist in implementing changes so that you remain compliant with Employment Law.

    Payroll & Pension Auto Enrolment & Other checks

    Pay can be a highly emotive, having a payroll department that can process pay accurately and timely is paramount to employee motivation and engagement. A business also needs to ensure that they are complying with the complex legal obligations. Our payroll team would be more than happy to discuss any payroll challenges you may be facing. You can read more about our Payroll Bureau here

        • Do you carry out checks on eligibility to work/ right to work in the UK?
        • Do you know how this has changed for EU citizens after 1st January 2021?
        • Do your employees drive for work purposes? If so, do you carry out driver checks?
        • Do you require DBS checks for your employees?

    Our HR experts can assist with all of these checks and ensure you are legally compliant, where we work with you on a Fully Outsourced basis we will ensure processes are in place so that these checks do not get missed.

    Onboarding & Inductions

    Getting your onboarding process right is essential for making sure that your new recruits are welcomed into your business, feel supported during their first few weeks and become productive members of your team  quickly.

    Inductions play a key part in that onboarding process. Inductions are an opportunity for businesses to welcome their new recruit, help them settle in and ensure they have the knowledge and support they need to perform their role. Inductions may well involve an office manager or line manager, a colleague or all three, even other employees. 

    • Do your new recruits know what their responsibilities are?
    • Do they know what a typical day will look like?
    • Do they know what to do if the fire bell rings or who to report absence to?

    An effective induction is sure to have a positive impact on engagement, motivation and performance as well as reduce absenteeism and presenteeism. Good onboarding contributes to improved staff retention which reinforces the importance of getting this right.

    Remember, it doesn’t stop there…..probation reviews followed by regular performance reviews are also key to and engaged, motivated and committed workforce.

    No two businesses are the same which is why our team of HR experts can guide you through and assist in developing an onboarding process that fits in with the values and culture of your business. 

    Our qualified and experienced team of Employment Law and HR experts have been helping SMEs for over three decades ensuring legal compliance, minising risk, providing exceptional customer service and commercial advice that you can rely on. 

    Our specialist team are on hand to help with a whole range of HR issues and can also relieve the burden of HR administion, record keeping and paperwork. We can help your SME business have the perfect tailored outsourced HR package to keep your business moving.

    Our experts are well versed in advising, planning, supporting or delivering HR projects such as restructures, redundancy, TUPE, and change management. If you don't have the knowledge or time and want to ensure compliance , we can help.


    We offer a fully managed payroll service which allows our experts to organise and manage your payroll for you.




    Our IOSH (or equivalent) trained experts will work with you, freeing up your workforce and relieving the pressures of complying with demanding health and safety regulations.


    We have partnered with a well known HR Software provider. The Software means that HR administration tasks become more streamlined, employee data is stored securely and all of that paperwork is a thing of the past!


    Absolute Works offer in person training and E-Learning packages for all levels of your workforce from the ‘shop floor’ to the board room. 

    Speak to an expert - 03332005153

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