Problem Solving

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Problem Solving

  • Absence Management & long term sickness
  • Grievances. 
  • Disciplinaries.
  • Mediation.
  • GDPR & Subject Access Data Requests
  • ACAS negotiation & Tribunal support 

Absence Management & long-term sickness

From experience and the type of issues we deal with on a daily basis, the team at Absolute Works know that a major concern for employers is how to handle absence. Short term and long-term absence (sick leave) and lateness can be costly and disruptive for a business. All three issues can  cause a significant strain on colleagues and management. Our HR Portal has a clocking in and out facility which can assist businesses in managing attendance. It is straight forward and simple to use.

If you are keen to understand how to tackle absence issues, our team of HR experts can devise and help implement a reporting and return to work process. How we suggest this is done very much depends on the culture within the business, the size of the business and the attitude the workforce have to change. You may be surprised at the effectiveness of formally recording and monitoring lateness, short term sickness and return to work conversations!

Mental Wellbeing

Did you know that?

  • 1 in 6 workers will experience depression, anxiety or problems relating to stress at any one time (1)
  • There were 602,000 cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2018/19 in Great Britain (2)

In 2018/19, stress, depression or anxiety were responsible for 44% of all cases of work-related ill health and 54% of all working days lost due to health issues in GB (2)

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Theses stats are all reported pre-Covid and it goes without saying that these numbers will undoubtedly and sadly increase.

Within our team we have Mental Health First Aiders and access to many resources and initiatives that we are also available to support you with advice and input on employee mental wellbeing.

  1. McManus S, Bebbington P, Jenkins R, Brugha T. Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014 [Internet]. Leeds; 2016. Available from:
  2. Health and Safety Executive. Work-related Stress, Depression or Anxiety Statistics in Great Britain 2019 [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2020 Jan 6]. Available from:

So far as long-term absence is concerned, this can be very tricky to deal with however, it should always be the case that the management of long-term absence should have already started at the short-term absence stage. Short term absence management can sometimes prevent long term absence.

Long term absence may be due to an underlying issue caused by a disability and such individuals will have protection is the workplace afforded to them by the Equality Act 2010. In order to minimise risk, we would always recommend speaking to an HR expert when it comes to managing a long term sickness absence. It may also be appropriate to work closely with Vocational Rehabilitation or Occupational Health Professionals to agree phased return to work plans and reasonable adjustments or, alternatively exit the employee on grounds of capability.

Onboarding & Inductions

Getting your onboarding process right is essential for making sure that your new recruits are welcomed into your business, feel supported during their first few weeks and become productive members of your team  quickly.

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Inductions play a key part in that onboarding process. Inductions are an opportunity for businesses to welcome their new recruit, help them settle in and ensure they have the knowledge and support they need to perform their role. Inductions may well involve an office manager or line manager, a colleague or all three, even other employees.

  • Do your new recruits know what their responsibilities are?
  • Do they know what a typical day will look like?
  • Do they know what to do if the fire bell rings or who to report absence to?

An effective induction is sure to have a positive impact on engagement, motivation and performance as well as reduce absenteeism and presenteeism. Good onboarding contributes to improved staff retention which reinforces the importance of getting this right.

Remember, it doesn’t stop there…..probation reviews followed by regular performance reviews are also key to and engaged, motivated and committed workforce.

No two businesses are the same which is why our team of HR experts can guide you through and assist in developing an onboarding process that fits in with the values and culture of your business.

Grievances, Disciplinaries and Mediation.

It can be stressful, upsetting and time-consuming dealing with disciplinaries and grievances. We can support you from start to finish and all the bits in the middle!

As an employer, unless you are extremely lucky, you will at some stage experience poor performing employees, misbehaving employees, those that like to push the boundaries and those that blatantly and deliberately break the rules.

All these people problems need timely and correct handling. We can be on hand to carry out investigations, coach you through the process and prepare documentation. We can even lead the process in person or remotely where appropriate. We can help to relieve the stress and emotion involved in these types of events and can provide impartiality for employers who do not have sufficient resources in-house.

GDPR & Subject Access Data Requests

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) strengthens and ultimately replaces the existing Data Protection Act (1998). It is designed to protect the personal data and privacy of citizens across Europe. GDPR will not be affected by the UK’s exit from the EU.

GDPR creates significant rights for employees in relation to their personal data and substantial penalties for an employer who breaks the law. Businesses hold and process a significant amount of employees’ personal data: contracts of employment, disciplinary proceedings, grievance proceedings, reviews, payroll information, performance monitoring, files notes, minutes of meetings, emails referring to employees (even indirectly).

Employees have the right to request sight of certain data by submitting a Subject Access (Data) Request (SAR). We have seen a substantial increase in requests from employees and ex-employees or our clients. Would you know how to respond to or deal with a SAR?

Our team of experts can guide you to ensure your working practices are in line with GDPR and also ensure you are confident in handling any Subject Access Requests (SAR).

ACAS negotiation & Tribunal support

You may or may not have expected it but, you have received a call or an email from ACAS regarding an employee dispute. You feel angry, frustrated, stressed? What should you do? Don’t panic, give us a call.

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We understand the pain and effort of dealing with an Employment Tribunal claim and will work with you to minimise the impact on you and your business. We will support you with the paperwork and negotiations at ACAS Early Conciliation and support you in a commercial and objective way. With your permission, we will happily communicate and subject to your instructions, where possible negotiate a settlement with the ACAS Conciliator to prevent the case proceeding to the Employment Tribunal. Alternatively, we will assist you in appointing legal representation and support you with adhering to deadlines, preparing documentation and bundles for the Employment Tribunal.

(We will always ask you what your insurance position is and whether you have any cover in place for legal representation in such circumstances. We will happily contact your insurer on your behalf and work with the legal representation appointed by ten insurer or, we will help you find suitable legal representation.)

Call us now if you would like to discuss a tribunal claim

Our qualified and experienced team of Employment Law and HR experts have been helping SMEs for over three decades ensuring legal compliance, minising risk, providing exceptional customer service and commercial advice that you can rely on. 

Our specialist team are on hand to help with a whole range of HR issues and can also relieve the burden of HR administion, record keeping and paperwork. We can help your SME business have the perfect tailored outsourced HR package to keep your business moving.

Our experts are well versed in advising, planning, supporting or delivering HR projects such as restructures, redundancy, TUPE, and change management. If you don't have the knowledge or time and want to ensure compliance , we can help.


We offer a fully managed payroll service which allows our experts to organise and manage your payroll for you.




Our IOSH (or equivalent) trained experts will work with you, freeing up your workforce and relieving the pressures of complying with demanding health and safety regulations.


We have partnered with a well known HR Software provider. The Software means that HR administration tasks become more streamlined, employee data is stored securely and all of that paperwork is a thing of the past!


Absolute Works offer in person training and E-Learning packages for all levels of your workforce from the ‘shop floor’ to the board room. 

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CV35 8AQ

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48 Willis Way
BH15 3TB

T: 01202 241763

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